Later this year, people in municipalities across Ontario will elect mayors, city councillors, and school board trustees for a new term of office. However, hundreds of thousands of permanent residents will be unable to choose their local representatives because they are not Canadian citizens. Our local politicians manage the services that affect us all in […]

Mark Kuznicki of ChangeCampTO Torontonians in 2010 have an opportunity to restore our sense of community and use new tools of communication to set the agenda for our politicians. Mark Kuznicki’s vision is a program of coordinated and community-generated events all across the City to re-engage our civic imaginations. ChangeCamp is launching a city-wide initiative to

Organizing on the Innernets: ChangeCampTO & RefreshEventsRead More »

Toronto’s poor are becoming increasingly marginalized in our expanding multicultural city. The condition of rental housing in Toronto’s suburbs and downtown social housing neighborhoods is shockingly bad, leaving many people living with cockroaches, holes in walls and ceilings, bad plumbing, and broken elevators, and without heat in the winter. Toronto ACORN wants this year’s election

“A better Toronto means better living conditions” — Edward Lantz, Toronto ACORNRead More »

Everyone deserves to have a good home, but our city is becoming increasing segregated. Poor neighbourhoods mean poor housing, which leads to poor health and premature death; rich neighbourhoods mean good housing and good health. There’s a simple, practical, and effective step that Toronto City Council can take to ensure a healthy and equitable city:

“Health, Equity, and Inclusionary Housing” — Michael Shapcott, Wellesley InstituteRead More »