Are you considering buying a home in the picturesque city of Peterborough? Congratulations on taking this significant step towards securing your future! The Peterborough housing market offers a range of options for potential homeowners, from charming historic properties to modern suburban dwellings. However, before you embark on this exciting journey, it’s crucial to understand the […]
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Advocacy marketing is whereby a business uses existing customers to talk about its products and the company as well. It is an effective marketing method used by plenty of companies. Research estimates that over 80 percent of shoppers conduct research online first before buying. Therefore, having people to advocate for your products and services provides
How to Use the Advocacy Marketing in Your BusinessRead More »
Remper lacinia aliquam. Fusce sed tincidunt sem. Curabitur ac ornare neque, eget pharetra dui. Fusce lacinia odio nunc, non iaculis lorem dapibus eget. Etiam in ullamcorper orci. Maecenas laoreet, libero quis hendrerit pretium, nulla nisl feugiat ante, quis convallis ipsum risus vel mi. Ut gravida aliquam condimentum. Maecenas a nulla vel ipsum viverra accumsan ac
Quisque aliquet felis vel erat hendrerit egestas. Quisque semper lacinia aliquam. Fusce sed tincidunt sem. Curabitur ac ornare neque, eget pharetra dui. Fusce lacinia odio nunc, non iaculis lorem dapibus eget. Etiam in ullamcorper orci. Maecenas laoreet, libero quis hendrerit pretium, nulla nisl feugiat ante, quis convallis ipsum risus vel mi. Ut gravida aliquam condimentum.
We’ve all experienced it, and studies have shown that the motor vehicle traffic congesting our city costs Toronto enormously in terms of lost productivity, air quality, and personal health and safety. Nancy Smith Lea (@CompleteStsCA) of the Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation (TCAT) believes that a policy of Complete Streets designed for the safety and comfort of all road
“Building Roads for Everyone” — Nancy Smith Lea, Complete Streets CanadaRead More »
Some of the Bike Union’s current initiatives include: Keeping pressure on the city to implement the Bike Plan The Good Roads campaign, to help cyclists work with the City to keep our streets in good repair and clear of debris Leading a campaign providing cyclists with “thank you” cards to acknowledge drivers who remember to give them
“How we can best advocate for cyclists in 2010″ — Yvonne Bambrick, Toronto Cyclists UnionRead More »
Despite the fact that 52% of Toronto’s population consists of women from different backgrounds and histories, women still make up fewer than 25% of municipal leaders and, on the whole, continue to experience disproportionately high rates of poverty and abuse. Imagine a city where women of all backgrounds are equally represented in elected office. Imagine
“Building a Women-Friendly City” — Kristyn Wong-Tam, Toronto Women’s City AllianceRead More »
Toronto is a profoundly diverse city — among the most diverse in the world. But Jamaal Montasser of Engineers Without Borders asks, are we global citizens? Connecting Torontonians’ actions to their impacts overseas may not be that hard. One of the simplest things a consumer can do is choose which products they buy based on
“A Fair [Trade] City” — Jamaal Montasser, Engineers Without BordersRead More »
Thousands of lost and abandoned feral cats live in our alleyways, backyards, parking lots, and parks. In 2007 alone, Toronto Animal Services killed 4130 cats. Groups like Toronto Cat Rescue, Annex Cat Rescue, Homeless Cat Rescue, and the makers of the documentary Cat City know how to fix it: a low-cost spay/neuter facility in a central location a bylaw compelling
“Toronto has a cat problem. We know how to Fix it” — David Regan, Fix TorontoRead More »
Dave Meslin of Better Ballots Dave Meslin’s (@meslin) vision for Toronto is a city with elections that are vibrant, diverse, relevant, and fair. Without a credible electoral process, Meslin argues that it’s extremely difficult to address any other issue. Elections should be a doorway to progress, not an obstacle. The Better Ballots initiative wants to look at
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